American Reading Company Family Workshop
Thursday, February 20, 2014

On February 5, Brookdale Elementary sponsored a workshop for students and parents. First on the program was Mrs. LaTonya Nelson, Brookdale’s Assistant Principal.  Mrs. Nelson gave parents information about the Writing portion of the Palmetto Assessment of State Standards which will take place on March 18th and 19th.  She presented parents with the general directions, a blueprint and the scoring rubric for the assessment. She, also, gave parents tips for helping their child prepare for the test.

The second speaker was Dr. Andrea Givens, the District Partnership Coach for American Reading Company. Dr. Givens gave parents an overview of the American Reading Program. She explained the significance of the reading logs, the different reading levels and reading steps involved.  In addition, Dr. Givens described to parents what they can do at home to help their child with the program. She then had parents practice reading books with their child and asking him or her questions. The workshop concluded with a catered meal.














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